logoKliktopia: Land of the Freeware

An archive of games and applications made using Klik & Play, The Games Factory, Click & Create, Multimedia Fusion and Clickteam Fusion

Details on the Kliktopia Uploader (Build 9)

The Kliktopia Uploader is the normal way to contribute Klik games to our archive, helping to preserve Klik history and help people find their own games or games that they used to play.

The tool can help you find out which games you have in your games folder were made with Klik software, and which are not already on our archive, and then submit those games to Kliktopia so we can addi to our archive!

Notes on usage:

1. This tool is only for uploading freeware Klik games (i.e. games made with Klik & Play, The Games Factory, Multimedia Fusion, etc).

2. You can optionally include a screenshot. Just put it in the game's folder and call it "screenshot.png".

3. You can scan folders to find all Klik games in that folder and all sub-folder levels. This facility supports games having sub-folders, but not sub-sub-folders (So C:/Games/Freeware/MyGame/ having a /Images/ sub-directory is fine but having a /Images/PNGs/ sub-sub-folder is too complicated). If a game has a complex file structure then turn it into a .zip and use the manual upload option.

If the uploader does not work it probably means you need to download the Microsoft Visual C++ x86 Redistributable (vc_redist.x86.exe).

Screnshot of Kliktopia Uploader

Download Kliktopia Uploader (22 MB)

Comments and discussion

Website maintained by Josh Dowen (Joshtek). You can contact me by e-mailing josh@kliktopia.org or send me private message on The Daily Click or Clickteam's forum. Send abuse/copyright complaints to abuse@kliktopia.org.